The Children's Ministries Department seeks to develop the faith of children from birth through age fourteen, leading them into a loving, serving relationship with Jesus and a commitment to the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Resources are produced regularly to nurture the spiritual growth of children, and ongoing leadership training is conducted to equip children's leaders and teachers to minister effectively to children.
Following Jesus’ Example
Jesus had a special place in His heart for children. He rebuked His disciples when they tried to
turn the children away. Success in child evangelism can be found in following the example of
Jesus and His interaction with people. Here are some ideas to consider:
• Meet people where they are
• Love and accept everyone
• Communicate in terms people can understand
• Spend time where you’re likely to meet and interact with people
• Look for opportunities to introduce yourself
• Determine the needs of the community you are serving
• Listen to others
• Celebrate with your new friends and acquaintances
• Share a meal
• Teach others about salvation